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DYMO LetraTAG plasttejp, blå, 12mm, 4m (91225)

DYMO LetraTAG plasttejp, blå, 12mm, 4m (91225)

DYMO LetraTAG plasttejp, blå, 12mm, 4m (91225)

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Kort om produktet

DYMO LetraTag, printer tape, 12 mm width, 4m, black on blueDYMO have created a fantastic series of Letratag tapes. They are so easy to use and perform at that highest level.Les mer om produktet
Mer informasjon

DYMO LetraTag, printer tape, 12 mm width, 4m, black on blue

DYMO have created a fantastic series of Letratag tapes. They are so easy to use and perform at that highest level. Simplify place into the tape cassette to apply labels quick and easy on any surface. Letratag tapes add visual impact, easy communication and an economical solution for labelling almost anything in your home or office.

• Plastic Tape
• Very durable
• Tear Resistant
• Printing Colour: Black
• For use with Dymo LetraTag Label Makers
• Size: 12 mm x 4 m (Width x Length)

These Dymo LetraTag standard label tapes are ideal for hundreds of labelling tasks in your office, retail store, business, and schools or on the road. These printer tapes are ideal for labelling wires, cables and rounded surfaces too.

Label Printer tapes can be used for the following applications, plus many more:

• Barcoding
• Floor marking
• Wires & cables
• Shipping/Mailing
• Files and binders
• Visitor or name badges
• Storage boxes & shelves
• Utility and food storageDYMO LetraTag, printer tape, 12 mm width, 4m, black on blue

DYMO have created a fantastic series of Letratag tapes. They are so easy to use and perform at that highest level. Simplify place into the tape cassette to apply labels quick and easy on any surface. Letratag tapes add visual impact, easy communication and an economical solution for labelling almost anything in your home or office.

• Plastic Tape
• Very durable
• Tear Resistant
• Printing Colour: Black
• For use with Dymo LetraTag Label Makers
• Size: 12 mm x 4 m (Width x Length)

These Dymo LetraTag standard label tapes are ideal for hundreds of labelling tasks in your office, retail store, business, and schools or on the road. These printer tapes are ideal for labelling wires, cables and rounded surfaces too.

Label Printer tapes can be used for the following applications, plus many more:

• Barcoding
• Floor marking
• Wires & cables
• Shipping/Mailing
• Files and binders
• Visitor or name badges
• Storage boxes & shelves
• Utility and food storage



Vekt ink. emballasje
100,0 g

