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Pilot Brothers - PC Windows

1C Publishing
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The case of the stolen elephant! Elephant... Rare... Striped. ...has been kept for many years by an animal trader named Karbophos. Being unable to overcome abuse, it escaped and found a home at the zoo in our city. But it recently disappeared! This iLes mer om produktet
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The case of the stolen elephant! Elephant... Rare... Striped. ...has been kept for many years by an animal trader named Karbophos. Being unable to overcome abuse, it escaped and found a home at the zoo in our city. But it recently disappeared! This is definitely Karbophos s work. To the zoo!

A provincial Russian town has been shaken in disbelief: their prized, rare, striped elephant, Baldakhin, disappeared from the zoo in the dead of night. The main suspect is its notorious former owner, Karbophos. Two well-known detectives, the Pilot Brothers, set up a new investigation, pursuing the rogue through 15 comic-style locations to find the missing elephant. Sensible Brother Chief and his not-so-bright assistant, Brother Colleague, solve tricky puzzles and play their parts with precise timing in this humorous adventure game for the whole family!

  • 15 Increasingly difficult levels to solve
  • 2 Different characters: Brother Chief and Brother Colleague
  • Fast-paced, arcade mini-games and loads of absurdly witty mini-games!
  • Join the famed duo in their search for the elusive thief!

© 2014 1C Wireless © GAMOS, 1999 Featuring characters from the cartoon series "Private life of the Pilot Bros" © Moscow animation studio "Pilot" © "Second Frog"

Steam account required for game activation and installation

OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1
Processor: 1 GHz
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 800x600 minimum resolution, OpenGL support
Storage: 490 MB available space



Vekt ink. emballasje
1,0 g


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1C Online Games Ltd.
1C Wireless
Eventyr, Casual

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