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SKross Travel Adapter Combo - World-to-Denmark Earthed

SKross Travel Adapter Combo - World-to-Denmark Earthed

SKross Travel Adapter Combo - World-to-Denmark Earthed

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Kort om produktet

The combo country adapters from SKROSS are the ideal solution for travellers from all over the world, who prefer a specific travel destination, but are also visiting Europe (Schuko) regularly.Les mer om produktet
Mer informasjon
The combo country adapters from SKROSS are the ideal solution for travellers from all over the world, who prefer a specific travel destination, but are also visiting Europe (Schuko) regularly. Ideal for hotels and conference centers that want to provide their guests the possibility of connecting their devices for the duration of their stay. With the country adapter combo - world to Denmark devices from more than 150 countries are applicable in Denmark and Europe (Schuko). It safely supports even power-hungry devices like laptop and hairdryer.


Høyde (ink. emballasje)
81,0 mm
Bredde (ink. emballasje)
65,0 mm
Dybde (ink. emballasje)
58,0 mm
Vekt ink. emballasje
133,0 g



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